California Indian Manpower Consortium, Inc.
The CIMC Movement: Creating Positive Change for Native Communities
Workforce Development Program
Download: Application for Workforce Development Services (pdf) List of CIMC Field Offices (pdf) Map of CIMC Workforce Development Program Service Area (pdf) |
Field Office Brochures (pdfs): |
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)COMPREHENSIVE SERVICES PROGRAM |
Eligibility Requirements: |
WIOA Program Services: |
*WIOA Career Services |
Funded by US Department of Labor |
Native Employment Works (NEW) |
Eligibility Requirements: |
NEW Program Services: |
Funded by US Department of Health and Human Services
Programs for Employers |
• Job Placement • No Fee Recruitment |
• No Fee Referrals • On-the-Job Training Placement |
Local Workforce Investment Boards (LWIBS) and One-Stop Partners |
(916) 920-0285 | (800) 640-2462 | TTY: (800) 748-5259 | FAX: (916) 641-6338
California Indian Manpower Consortium, Inc. (CIMC) is funded in part by the U.S. Department of Labor.
CIMC is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
For information about CIMC events,
visit CIMC Upcoming Events Calendar.
Your generous contributions will help CIMC Create Positive Change for Native Communities - A 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization since 1978 - Tax ID #94-2472564 |
National Caregiver Support Program
Child Care and Development Block Grant Program
COVID Education Recovery Project
Sustaining Native American Economies Project
Elevate Youth California Project
Native Entrepreneur Training Program
Tribal Business Export Development Program
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CIMC Condor Connection Newsletter Archive
Download: Newsletters (pdf)