CIMC Executive Director joined NCyTE Center National Visiting Committee (March 6, 2025)

CIMC hosted a Caregiver Training at Pala (December 16, 2024)

CIMC convened the 46th Annual Membership Meeting (November 22, 2024)

CIMC Participant honored at National Native American Employment and Training Conference (May 22, 2024)

CIMC convened the 45th Annual Membership Meeting (November 9, 2023)

CIMC Participants honored at National Native American Employment and Training event (May 9, 2023)

CIMC reached 45th Anniversary Milestone (February 1, 2023)

CIMC hosted COVID-19 Pop-up Vaccine Clinic (December 20, 2022)

CIMC met with California First Partner regarding Native Women Equal Pay Day (November 30, 2022)

CIMC awarded a Fund for Workforce Equity Grant (November 21, 2022)

CIMC convened the 44th Annual Membership Meeting (October 28, 2022)

CIMC awarded Two Community Development Block Grants (June 6, 2022)

CIMC Elders Program provided Caregiver Training (November 10, 2021)

CIMC convened the 43rd Annual Membership Meeting (November 8, 2021)

CIMC received High Honors at National Native American Employment and Training event (September 29, 2021)

CIMC Participants and Employer honored at National Native American Employment and Training event (September 29, 2021)

Native Youth completed 7th Generation Coders Boot Camp (July 15, 2021)

CIMC awarded COVID-19 Community Health Project Grant (May 27, 2021)

CIMC awarded Together Toward Health Grant (March 23, 2021)


CIMC Executive Director joined the NCyTE Center National Visiting Committee

Dr. Lorenda T. Sanchez, CIMC Executive Director, recently became a member of the National Visiting Committee for the National Cybersecurity Training & Education (NCyTE) Center. Dr. Sanchez actively participated in the National Visiting Committee's Annual Meeting on March 4-5, 2025 in Palm Springs, California.

The National Visiting Committee acts as an independent review body to the Center leadership by assessing its programs, identifying areas for improvement, and recommending strategies to enhance the quality and effectiveness of cybersecurity workforce development initiatives, all while ensuring alignment with national cybersecurity needs and best practices.

CIMC hosted a Caregiver Training at Pala.

The CIMC Elders Program organized a four-day caregiver training at the Pala Indian Reservation from December 9 to December 12, 2024. Participants had the opportunity to learn about the role of caregivers, consumer rights, mental and physical health, the aging process, observation and reporting, environmental safety, infection control with universal precautions, and personal care. Speakers provided valuable information on brain health, dementia, and elder abuse within tribal communities. Additionally, the Pala Fire Department offered First Aid and CPR training. A total of 21 Native caregivers successfully completed the course.

- posted December 16, 2024

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CIMC convened the 46th Annual Membership Meeting

CIMC held the 46th Annual Membership Meeting at the Pala Casino Spa Resort in Pala, California on November 1-2, 2024. This meeting was a time for members and other attendees to receive information and celebrate CIMC's accomplishments during the past program year.

The annual event began with informational session on Preventing Medicare Fraud, presented by California Health Adovocates.

The Keynote Address was delivered by Mr.Gary Richard, Chair of the Wintu Tribe of Northern California & Toyon-Wintu Center, and a member of the US Department of Labor Native American Employment and Training Council.

Board Member Mr. Shelia Smith-Lopez was recogonized for 15 years of service. Ms. June Nachor and Mr. Robert H. Smith was each selected as an Outstanding Board Member for Program Year 2023. A number of staff members were recognized for various years of service. Member tribes and organizations received recognition for their years of CIMC membership. The San Jacinto Geographic Service Area was selected as the Outstanding GSA for Program Year 2023 and 29 members were named Outstanding Members for Program Year 2023.

- posted November 20, 2024

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CIMC Participant honored at National Native American Employment and Training Conference

Gabrielle Mills, WD Coordinator III & Cheyenne Tex with son

Cheyenne Tex & Dr. Lorenda T. Sanchez, Executive Director

Ms. Cheyenne Tex from the from the North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians, nominated by the CIMC Fresno Field Office, received one of four 2024 Outstanding Participant awards at the 44th National Indian and Native American Employment and Training Conference. The annual event was held at the Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando Florida on May 13-17, 2024.

- posted May 22, 2024

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CIMC convened the 45th Annual Membership Meeting

CIMC held the 45th Annual Membership Meeting at the Pala Casino Spa Resort in Pala, California on November 4-5, 2023. This meeting was a time for members and other attendees to receive information and celebrate CIMC's accomplishments during the past 45 years.

The annual event began with informational sessions on Medicare, CIMC's Informing Native Communities Project, featuring representatives from the California Office of Community Partnerships and Strategic Communications, and CIMC's CCDBG Emergency and Disaster Preparedness training.

The Keynote Address was delivered by Mr.Nathaniel "Nat" Coley, Division Chief of the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Office of Workforce Investment, Division of Indian and Native American Programs (DINAP). Ms. Jennifer Whitmore, DINAP Federal Project Officer, and former CIMC employee was also in attendance.

Board Members Mr. Kim Edward Cook and Mr. James Hill, Sr. were each recogonized for 10 years of service. Ms. Tanya Estrada was selected as the Outstanding Board Member for Program Year 2022. A number of staff members were recognized for various years of service. Ms. Diana Alvares, Ms. Cleo Foseide, and Dr. Lorenda T. Sanchez were recognized for 45 years of service. Member tribes and organizations received recognition for their years of CIMC membership. The San Jacinto Geographic Service Area was selected as the Outstanding GSA for Program Year 2022 and 38 members were named Outstanding Members for Program Year 2022.

The Honorable Robert H. Smith was elected as Chair and Mr. Benjamin Charley, Jr. was elected as Treasurer. These are each four-year terms as officers of the CIMC Board of Directors.

- posted November 9, 2023

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CIMC Participants honored at National Native American Employment and Training event

Ms. Melodi Serna (top left) from the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians and currently the Executive Director of the American Indian Center of Chicago (CIMC Member), received the prestigious 2023 Alice BigPond Roach Mememorial Award which is awarded for community service.

Ms. Jessica Pamonicutt (top right) from the Menominee Indian Tribe and owner of Ketapanen Kitchen, was selected as one of the four 2023 Outstanding Participants.

Each were nominated by the CIMC Chicago Based Operations (CBO) and recognized at the 43rd National Indian and Native American Employment and Training Conference held in Mashantucket, Connecticut.

CIMC representives joined in honoring Ms. Serna and Ms. Pamonicutt at the awards dinner held at the Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center on May 2, 2023. Top center: John McPherson, CBO. Left to Right: Jeffery Hogue, Field Operations Coordinator; Vincent Romero, CBO; Carol Jennings, Executive Secretary; Benjamin Charley, Jr., CIMC Board of Directors Chair; Dr. Lorenda T. Sanchez, Executive Director; Alina Barajas, Sacramento Field Office; Gabrielle Mills, Fresno Field Office; Susan Stanley, CBO Coordinator; and Teresa Marie Willson, Executive Assistant.

- posted May 9, 2023

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CIMC reached 45th Anniversary Milestone

CIMC reached the 45th Anniversary of its incorporation date on February 1, 2023. In 1978, CIMC became a California nonprofit organization to serve tribal communities and urban Native American populations in California. CIMC expanded its service area to the Chicago Geographical Service Area in 1995. Dr. Lorenda T. Sanchez was recognized by her staff for her dedication and inspired leadership as the Executive Director since the beginning of CIMC. The CIMC Board of Directors and staff have worked dliligently for the social welfare, educational, and economic advancement of its member tribes, groups, organizations, along with Indians and Native Americans in CIMC's service area. CIMC appreciates all who have contributed to creating positive change for Native communities throughout these past 45 years. The CIMC membership will join together in November 2023 to celebrate this momentous milestone.

- posted February 1, 2023

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CIMC hosted COVID-19 Pop-up Vaccine Clinic

The CIMC COVID-19 Community Health Project hosted a 'tis the Season to be Freezin' pop-up COVID-19 vaccine clinic on December 18, 2022 at the CIMC Central Office in Sacramento, CA. More than 150 community members enjoyed free food and beverages, a photo booth, a bounce house, games, and resources.

- posted December 20, 2022

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CIMC met with California First Partner regarding Native Women Equal Pay Day

On November 28, 2022, CIMC Executive Director Lorenda Sanchez, and CIMC Native Entrepreneur Training Coordinator Teresa Marie Willson joined in a conversation with California First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom and other Native community leaders at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Wheatland, CA. The meeting centered on how we as Californians can support and uplift Native women in the workforce, including business owners, and the persistent issues around the pay gap.
National Native Women's Equal Pay Day is recognized on November 30th. When looking at both full- and part-time workers, on average, Native women are paid just 51 cents for every $1.00 paid to white men. For information, visit Native Women's Equal Pay Day 2022 — Equal Pay Today!

- posted December 6, 2022

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CIMC awarded a Fund for Workforce Equity Grant

The Fund for Workforce Equity, a new pooled investment fund led by Workforce Matters, announced 15 grant recipients that will each receive grants of up to $75,000 to implement initiatives that center workers and learners of color in designing or implementing workforce policies and programs. California Indian Manpower Consortium, Inc., one of the 15 grantees from across the country, will receive flexible resources and support to pilot, innovate, or extend innovative strategies that can lead to systemic change.

Workforce Matters is a national network of grantmakers who work together to strengthen workforce development philanthropy. Drawing on expert and practitioner knowledge, Workforce Matters empowers workers, learners, empowers workers, learners, and job seekers to realize their full potential; dismantles inequities based on race, gender, ability, and other individual characteristics; and advances equitable education and employment outcomes for youth and adults.

- posted November 20, 2022

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CIMC convened the 44th Annual Membership Meeting
CIMC Board of Directors CIMC Condor Education Committee and Partners

CIMC held the 44th Annual Membership Meeting at the Pala Casino Spa Resort in Pala, California on October 21-22, 2022. This meeting was a time for members and other attendees to receive information and celebrate CIMC's accomplishments during Program Year 2021 (July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022).

The annual event began with an informational panel on COVID-19 featuring representatives from the California Office of Community Partnerships and Strategic Communication, the California Consortium for Urban Indian Health, and the CIMC COVID-19 Community Health Project.

Board Member Benjamin Charley, Jr. was recogonized for 35 years of service and Joseph Podlasek was recognized for 5 years of service. Robert H. Smith was selected as the Outstanding Board Member for Program Year 2021. A number of staff members were recognized for various years of service. Rosemary Kirpatrick was recognized for 30 years of service. Member tribes and organizations received recognition for their years of CIMC membership. The Eastern Sierra Geographic Service Area and the San Jacinto Geographic Service Area were selected as the Outstanding GSAs for Program Year 2021 and 35 members were named Outstanding Members for Program Year 2021.

Special recognitions were given in memory of Mr. Ben W. Bendel (1943-2021) and Mr. Norm DeWeaver (1935-2021).

All sessions were available for virtual attendance.

CIMC awarded Two Community Development Block Grants

CIMC were recently awarded two Community Development Block Grants as part of COVID-19 pandemic relief.

The goal of the Sustaining Native American Economies Project is to assist individuals and or businesses who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic to create economic opportunities for the Native American community by increasing jobs, retaining jobs and or opening a new business. The project will provide stipends up to $5,000 a number of applicants throughout a two-year project period. Applicants must be a business with five or fewer employees or an entrepreneur who meets the low-to-moderate income threshold for microbusinesses that have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic (covid nexus requirement). Applicants must also reside within CIMC’s geographic service area.

The goal of the COVID Education Recovery Project is to increase succession in school and help Native American youth achieve graduation into the next grade level through an online education platform providing online courses, tutoring services, and GED services to improve their grades in subjects they are having difficulty with, learn at a grade level that is respective to their age group and or obtain a GED. The project aims to recruit youth students throughout a two-year project period and will work in partnership with GradeResults to fulfill project objectives by providing educational services to youth. Program services are available to youth aged 5-24 whose educational competency/attainment has dropped due to COVID-19 impediments, who meet the low-to-moderate income requirements, are at-risk students or non-traditional learners. Applicants must also reside within CIMC’s geographic service area.

Federal funding for both projects is provided by the California Department of Housing and Community Development through the Community Development Block Grant-Coronavirus Relief.

- posted June 6, 2022

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CIMC Elders Program provided Caregiver Training

The CIMC Elders Program provided Caregiver Training to 24 students on November 1-4, 2021 at the Pala Casino Spa & Resort in Pala, California. Students learned how to provide respite care to families who care for Elders in their home. Training was also provided in August 2021 in Sparks, Nevada. These two training sessions are the first ones provided since the beginning of the COVID-19 global pandemic.

- posted November 10, 2021

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CIMC convened the 43rd Annual Membership Meeting
Big Sandy Rancheria of Mono Indians VFW Color Guard opened the 43rd Annual Membership Meeting
CIMC staff welcomed Delegates to the 43rd Annual Membership Meeting

CIMC held the 43nd Annual Membership Meeting on November 6-7, 2021 at the Pala Casino Spa Resort in Pala, California. This meeting was a time for members and other attendees to receive information and celebrate CIMC's accomplishments during the past program year.

The annual event began with informational sessions on Friday afternoon from California Health Advocates, Pierce Health Solutions, Tribal Solutions Medical and the CIMC Together Toward Health Project.

Board Members Stacy Dixon and Jackie WiseSpirit were recogonized for 10 years of service and Barbara Bird and Tanya Estrada were recognized for 5 years of service. Robert H. Smith was selected as the Outstanding Board Member for Program Year 2020. A number of staff members were recognized for various years of service. Ann Kochamp and Charmaine Mix were recognized for 40 years of service. Member tribes and organizations received recognition for their years of CIMC membership. The Eastern Sierra Geographic Service Area (GSA) was selected as the Outstanding GSA for Program Year 2020 and 50 members were named Outstanding Members for Program Year 2020.

All sessions were available for virtual attendance and strict a in-person social distancing protocol was followed.

- posted November 8, 2021

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CIMC received High Honors at National Native American Employment and Training event

Dr. Lorenda T. Sanchez, CIMC Executive Director, and Jaynee Peters, CIMC volunteer, were each awarded the prestigious Chief's Awards, the highest recognition given by Ms. Athena Brown, Chief, Division of Indian and Native American Program, U.S. Department of Labor. Recognition was received at 41st National Indian and Native American Employment and Training conference. The annual event was held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Warwick, Rhode Island on September 20-23, 2021.

In addition, CIMC was one of five WIOA Section 166 grantees to receive a Grantee Award. Dr. Sanchez shared this honor with the fourteen CIMC staff members from both California and Illinois that were in attendance.

- posted September 29, 2021

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CIMC Participants and Employer honored at National Native American Employment and Training event

Ms. Jane Roxas from the from the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation, nominated by the CIMC Chicago Based Operations, received the prestigious 2021 Howard Yackus Award.

Mr. Lester Nelson, Jr. from the La Jolla Band of Luiseno Indians, nominated by the CIMC Escondido Field Office, was selected as one of the four 2021 Outstanding Participants. Mr. Nelson was present to honored in person.

The American Indian Service of Chicago, Inc., nominated by the CIMC Chicago Based Operations, was honored as the 2021 Outstanding Employer.

Each were recognized at the 41st National Indian and Native American Employment and Training conference. The annual event was held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Warwick, Rhode Island on September 20-23, 2021.

- posted September 29, 2021

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Native Youth completed CIMC 7th Generation Coders Boot Camp

The CIMC 7th Generation Coders Project delivered training in website development to 18 Native youth. The 5-day online Coders Boot Camp was held June 15-21, 2021 with seven hours each day. These youth, ages 16-24, received this opportunity as part of CIMC's effort to provide youth with a career path in computer science and technology. Funding for this project is provided by the USDHHS/ACF/Administration for Native Americans.

- posted July 15, 2021

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CIMC awarded COVID-19 Community Health Project Grant

CIMC received a California COVID-19 Community Health Project grant award from the The Center at Sierra Health Foundation in the amount of $112,119.00. Through this five-month project, CIMC plans to increase the dissemination of culturally-relevant COVID-19 information to Native American communities in California in hopes of reducing the rampant cases and the disparate mortality rate in Indian Country.

- posted May 27, 2021

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CIMC awarded Together Toward Health Grant

CIMC received a Together Toward Health grant award from the Public Health Institute in the amount of $500,000.00, through funding from a group of philanthropic organizations.. Project activities will include completing an educational and outreach campaign with 50 tribes, setting up a centralized testing hub at the CIMC Central Office, organizing and implementing a “train the trainer” program to increase COVID-19 testing within Native American communities, and organizing events to administer COVID-19 tests to tribes and partners.


- posted March 29, 2021

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(916) 920-0285 | (800) 640-2462 | TTY: (800) 748-5259 | FAX: (916) 641-6338

California Indian Manpower Consortium, Inc. (CIMC) is funded in part by the U.S. Department of Labor.
CIMC is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.